Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Family"...What's it worth? What would you do?

I am a full three weeks into this journey.  I've never been away from my family for this long in my entire life. Whether it be my wife and kids or my immediate family. I find myself finding out what I'm truly made of and the true value of the love that I have on my family. I miss them all dearly, though I know on this journey there is a greater part of the story that is yet to be sold. The story of a rebirth and restoration of the Resseau family.  There's also the underlying story of hope and faith. An understanding of if God wills it so, it will be.  
In one's journey, everyone encounters the ups and downs of life. I myself, no different than the next as my shares of both. I think that through those peaks and valleys that I have walked has brought me to where I'm at. I certainly know that without the ones closest to me I wouldn't be at where I'm at today. My wife has endured a great load through all those tribulations that I have created and walked through in my life and has to be the strongest person I know.  Through our days of disconnect and connect she supported my decision of walking away from a career job and supported of the family while I took on a dream of becoming a firefighter and going through fire Academy.  She bore the weight of providing and running a business which she recently opened. To this day she still is by my side while I take on an even bigger leap of faith a 1000 miles away in hopes for something better for my family all while she continues to run that business and look over our children.  I couldn't have been more blessed in my life than in that one moment that initially brought us together because I'm extremely happy to know that I have been given something so beautiful in the family that I now have the privilege to call the Resseau family.  
My new hours are long and I find myself traveling back-and-forth between two states, but I also know that with every days end I get to see my beautiful family with a video call.  When that call doesn't come through my long days I always get at least a picture or a video message from them.  I look forward to the day that I get to send them out here to visit on a train, because I miss them all so so much.  
I know with this post, it isn't where I've been and what's been going on in the past week but it's something much greater and all more important than the things that we do in our daily life. It's about family and what you would do for them because after we set aside all of our daily distractions and the things that consume our time to provide for the ones closest to us. It's about those individuals that have a place in our heart which drives us to do things that we could've never imagined or ever conceived for the greater good.  It's about love. In our journeys we encounter good love and bad love, but the intent is always the same. I'm finding that I'm driven by that love and walking with the same intent, driving hard towards a greater peak that only God knows that lies ahead in my future.  I honestly wouldn't be here in my life with my beautiful kids if it wasn't for my wife. She's the most spectacular and most amazing person I know and joke with her that I'm addicted to her, because I truly am and I am magnetized by how strong and extraordinary she is to have gone through all the things that I put her through and still continue to carry-on is truly something special. I certainly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my mom and dad and their support as well. 
So my intent with this post is the only provoke a self-evaluation of what we walk towards your daily life and what drives us. For me, it's my family and the love for that family and nothing else, because when it's all said and done and all those external things are set aside, it's all we have left in this world.  

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