Monday, March 9, 2015

Arrival - A New Town, Culture, Job and Way of Life

So I loaded up my car with clothes and $500 in my pocket. There were a number of things that need to take place when I got into town with one being, checking into the hotel.  I stayed at the same place that I did a month previous when I came out for my initial interview, but this time it would be a little bit longer of a stay.  I was given the choice of taking $5000 as part of a relocation bonus or six months in a hotel.  I took the money but don't get it until my first paycheck. With knowing this, I was extremely stressed with the task of having to find a permanent place to stay in a town but doesn't have apartments or places to rent.  So I was tasked to find a travel trailer that I could put at the local RV park.  So I tried looking into buying one but couldn't secure financing or get a co-signer.  I was able to work out an agreement though with the hotel through an understanding that I would pay them when I could at a weekly rate of $300.  I knew that I would also need $350 upfront to be able to get a spot at the RV park for the month.  Having exhausted hear half of the money that I brought out with me through gas and food, I felt doomed with the thought of being stuck in a hotel for $1200 a month.  Prayers are heard and prayers are answered, I have been the recipient of having all of mine answered and then some.  Trailer for $3500 ended up parked 100 feet from my hotel entrance, so I called on it.  I was able to strike a deal with the seller of getting it for only $3000 and not have to pay for it until I got my money.  I was also able to park the trailer at a spot next to a coworker.  A very kind and helpful Christian man who towed it to the park for me.  On top of that, a very understanding park manager allowed me to get set up and not pay the monthly fee  until I got my check as well.  I was even able to check out of the hotel and not pay my balance until my bonus was deposited too.
So here I am, in a new town and with a new job almost broke but reaping the blessings from a great God that hears the cries of the unworthy.  I ask myself, what did I do to deserve this?  I repent, and can only give thanks and  pray for continued guidance through this journey because I honestly couldn't have done it without Him.  
I've been surrounded by a couple of great people that I can fellowship with.  They have been a great support in this new journey and honestly would be penniless and hungry without them being placed in my life right now in this moment.  It has seemed that I was given insurmountable walls to climb and at times I have felt doomed with all of the obstacles that were placed in front of me.  I still can't believe all the things that had to take place have actually fallen into place by a great series of events and great people that have done nothing but show grace and love in this first week of my new journey.  A special thank you to my God, great new friends, and great Montanans.

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