Thursday, December 10, 2015

Changing Seasons: Furloughed, Yet Thankful! -Day 176-

Well my friends, it has been quite a journey to this point.  Time has passed since my last post, seasons have changed and I'm still moving forward in this story which we call life.  As of today: Day 176.  It has been almost a year now in which I started this quest with the railroad and more than a third of it has been spent away from it, furloughed.  

I continue to crew haul in the evenings, meeting new crews from the railroad every night.  I've gotten the opportunity to network with fellow railroaders in this journey and I've regularly taken the time to genuinely try and enrich myself with positive messages through the listening to of various podcasts while on the road.  One I've taken a strong liking to is, Marriage Today by Jimmy Evans.  I HIGHLY recommend it for all populations.  Married or single, the messages he speaks of definitely relates to all of us wherever we are at in life.  Has it helped?  I'd like to state for the record, it's a work in progress.  As is with everything we encounter in life, we constantly do and move forward, day by day, working and improving on things and ourselves.  I was also working a day job as a warehouse manager for a couple months at the local food bank, but because of its structure and other issues that I encountered there, it was a mutual agreement that through those issues we were at an impasse and I decided to step away from that job.  I loved the mission and service they provided to the community and the people there were some of the nicest I have ever met.  I was conflicted and saddened with the decision but it was one that had to be made and one where I had to be the one making it.  With that said, the journey continues forward. 

In networking with other railroaders, I've gotten some additional HAZMAT training and that's always a good thing.  I've continued to apply for furloughed positions within the system to stay proactive in this journey and have had to turn down a few simply because I've had to weigh the options of the benefits along with the negative side of things as well.  Almost all of it being the salary and the ability to maintain a way of life away from home all while meeting the financial needs back home and that aspect has kept me from ultimately taking one of the positions offered.  I've interviewed with Amtrak recently and await a decision which should be coming very soon.  It's for an Engineer trainee position which would take me to Delaware for about three months and then I would be stationed in Little Rock for the duration of the training which lasts approximately  a year.  This is a position I would take, it's the job that I honestly see as my dream job with the railroad.  The benefits are the best around and would allow for my family to visit me via the rails for free.  I've been praying and thinking about it a lot.  I really need this opportunity right now in my life with everything that's been transpiring in my life through this journey. 

Since my last post, holidays have seem to come and go.  Halloween, Thanksgiving and already we're only two weeks away from yet another one, Christmas.  Those things are what I am thankful for out of all of this.  Being home for the holidays!  In my learning, I've been reading Philippians and practicing grace and thankfulness.  Being thankful for all things.  Like being home for these holidays and getting to spend everyday with my family and kids.  I even had to go through a bout with getting shingles over the Thanksgiving holiday but remained thankful for the blessings that I have and that through my personal and financial struggles.  I am truly blessed and completely undeserving of all those blessings.  I've got a wife that gives an overwhelming amount of grace that I always seem to overlook through my own faults and shortcomings.  I've got wonderful kids that continue to grow and love me as daddy.  In my frail humbling times they still see me as a hero and something special that they love with zero conditions.  I've got a home that hasn't escaped me, I've got a vehicle that isn't broken down.  There are presents under my tree, food to waste after every meal like a majority or at least some of us experience as Americans and finally, my health.  Excluding the aches and pains of general labor and the shingles incident.  Which was quite a scare there for a moment because of its location and the fear that it may have spreaed to the eye.  Though it passed, bullet dodged and I'm just happy to have a God that forgives and loves me where I'm at and that continues to grace me with so much more than what I'm deserving of.  

I want to close with this opportunity to thank you all for your growing support.  It's truly amazing to find people that are following this journey from all reaches of the railroading community.  Your likes, comments and shares are greatly appreciated.  I hope that my words are encouraging and insightful to you.  May it drive you all to seek out the greatness in life, in others, and in yourself.  May it also have you be joyful and thankful in this season of our lives.  I wish you all the happiest of holidays and may the season be a blessing to you all, for its there if you seek out the greatness in life opposed to the hardships.  I know that I certainly have seen those days pass where I missed the bus that carried those beauties that life has for us.  Please my friends, don't miss that bus, know that you are loved.  It'll make the difference.   

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