Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Tipping Point - Rolling by the Halfway Point in Conductor Training

Well today officially marks the tipping point.  We hit the halfway mark in railroad training and have only four and a half weeks left in our training before we all go back to our respective crew bases and move into the next phase of this process of becoming a Class 1 Conductor for Amtrak.  As of today, we have taken several tests and am sitting at a cumulative of approximately 95% on my tests. 

We've gone over many topics and we are currently in the process of going over air brakes and car handling.  We've spent the week in Philadelphia learning air brakes, moving cars and so forth.  Our big test for it is this Friday.  We will then move into revenue and then the meat and potatoes...operating rules and signals.  Those are the two critical tests which you need an 88% to pass for rules and 100% for the signals which we need to know verbatim.  I got to the point last week where I felt like I could test the signals at any point and know all 80 plus signals and what their indications mean word for word.  The operating rules should be a familiarizing process as well.  
The last couple of weeks out here have come and gone since my last post.  I am still feeling very comfortable about this process as each subject breezes on by. I am ready to get back home though.  I miss my family and my home.  In Montana, I had the luxury of a larger portion of the training devoted to on the job training where I was able to have larger periods of time where I had my solitude and more hands on learning as well.  They are both equally rewarding experiences in their own respects.  I just miss being home I guess.  I've taken several trips with my down time.  Whether it be New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. or Baltimore, it's been good to just get away with my free time.  I have definitely put in dozens of miles on these trips by foot.  They're fulfilling yet extremely exhausting because of the number of places to be seen in those cities.  I've seen a number of great things out here like Ben Franklins grave, the monuments in DC, The Empire State Building just to name a few.  I think out of everything that I've seen or done out here, some of the best moments come when my wife sends me a video text of the things she does back at home with the kids.  I love getting the videos of Roman during his tee-ball games of him hitting the ball and playing.  I enjoy being around peers and doing things together but nothing beats family and the joys that go along with that.  I was recently dreaming a dream in relation to a previous trip I had taken with Peggy and really would love to do another epic road trip with her.  It is one of the fondest memories of us together.  Everything was so pure, true and care free.  I dream of reliving that moment in reality instead of just being in my head.  I don't know if that's even possible but to dream a dream I will.  God willing.  

I have a return date, May 21st.  I look forward to seeing everyone back home.  I look forward to getting on the road and doing the job.  I look forward to getting it all back. My family most importantly!  Whatever that future holds, I place in Gods hands and will just continue to do right by him and try.  I trust in him and know that his will is just.  I'm finding a peace in knowing him and trusting that.  Life is life and there aren't perfect moments but there is Him and His love and that is good enough for me.  

I appreciate readers.  Followers, likers, friends and family.  Those that love, like and support me through all of this.  Thank you.  Truly, I do.  From the bottom of my heart.  None of this wouldn't be entirely possible without all the singular parts played to make this happen.  Thank you all, God Bless!

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